The Anthony Papalia Award for Excellence in Teacher Education was established by ACTFL in 1987 to recognize a world language educator who has demonstrated excellence in the preparation and continuing education of teachers for the profession. It is supported by New York State Association for Language Teachers, Inc.
Evidence of the nominee's impact on teacher education should consist of a record of active participation, leadership, and significant contributions to the field of world language education. This documentation would include supporting documentation as to the impact of the nominee’s contributions toward the development of preservice (entry level) teacher candidates and in service teachers, with a focus on teaching, service, research, and honors received.
Since 1991, an honorarium has been provided to the recipient by New York State Association for Language Teachers, Inc. and ACTFL. The award is evidence of the commitment of ACTFL and New York State Association for Language Teachers, Inc. to excellence in teacher preparation and to the support of those in our profession who share this concern.
The recipient of this award receives an honorarium.